
PhD Defense Janusz Meylahn

Janusz Meylahn will defend his PdD thesis entitled 'Stochastic resetting and hierarchical synchronization' on September 24th 2019.


Meylahn_PhotoJanusz' promotors are Frank den Hollander and Diego Garlaschelli.


The PhD defense will take place from 13.45-14.30 hrs in the Academy Building (Rapenburg 73, 2311 SL Leiden).


Janusz has joined the Amsterdam Business School of the University of Amsterdam as a postdoc working with Dr Arnoud den Boer on the forming of cartels between pricing algorithms.



This thesis consists of two parts. Part I focuses on large deviations of stochastic processes with resetting, Part II focuses on the Kuramoto model on networks with community structure. Stochastic resetting is simple enough to be approached analytically, yet modifies stochastic processes in a non-trivial way. Adding Stochastic resetting to a process consists of adding the possibility that the process is restarted randomly at any point in time. The Kuramoto model is a classical model that is used to describe the phenomenon of synchronization of phase oscillators. We study the effect of community structure in the network of interactions on the ability of oscillators to synchronize in two simple cases, namely, a hierarchical network and a two-community network.


You can read the thesis here.


When: Tuesday September 24th, 2019
Time: 13:45
Where: UL


Leiden University, Academy
